How to Install SXP 10.4 Single (XP0) using SIF


This article was first published by Yaochang Liu, a member of QEdge.

Sitecore provides multiple ways to install SXP 10.4 XP0, Azure ARM template for Azure App Service, Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF) and Sitecore Install Assistant (SIA) for On Premises, Docker Compose for Sitecore Container. In this article, I will explain how to install SXP 10.4 XP0 using SIF on a local machine.

Install Sitecore Installation Framework 2.4.0

The compatible SIF version for SXP 10.4 is 2.4.0, so make sure that the SIF 2.4.0 is installed in your machine. To check the version, open PowerShell as an administrator and run the following cmdlet:

Get-Module SitecoreInstallFramework –ListAvailable

If you don't get any result, run the following cmdlet to add the Sitecore Gallery repository:

Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation

Run the following cmdlet to install SIF 2.4.0:

Install-Module -Name SitecoreInstallFramework -RequiredVersion 2.4.0

If a previous version is installed on the machine, you may get the following error:

If this occurs, run the following cmdlet to update the SourceLocation of Sitecore Gallery:

Set-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation

Then run the following cmdlets and restart the machine if the error persists.

Install-Module -Name SitecoreInstallFramework -RequiredVersion 2.4.0  -SkipPublisherCheck

To run the specific version 2.4.0 of SIF, start a new PowerShell session and run the following cmdlet:

Import-Module -Name SitecoreInstallFramework -Force -RequiredVersion 2.4.0

Enable Contained Database Authentication

Launch Microsoft SSMS and log in as an administrator, run the following new query:

EXEC sp_configure 'contained', 1;

Download and organize files

Download the Packages for XP Single 10.4, and extract to a install folder, for example: D:\SitecorePackages\104XP0, then extract XP0 Configuration files 10.4.0 rev. to D:\SitecorePackages\104XP0

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Install the prerequisites

Open PowerShell as an administrator and navigate to the D:\SitecorePackages\104XP0 folder, then run the following cmdlet:

Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path .\Prerequisites.json

Installing Solr

Open PowerShell as an administrator and navigate to the D:\SitecorePackages\104XP0 folder, then run the following cmdlet:

Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path .\Solr-SingleDeveloper.json

Run the installation script

Unblock the XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1 file:


Update the variables in XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1 :

$Prefix = "XP104"
$SitecoreAdminPassword = "b"
$SCInstallRoot = "D:\SitecorePackages4XP0"
$LicenseFile = "<yourLicenseFilePath>"
$SolrRoot = "<yourSolrRoot>"
$SolrService = "<yourSolrServiceName>"
$SqlAdminPassword = "<yourSqlAdminPassword>"

Open PowerShell as an administrator and navigate to the D:\SitecorePackages\104XP0 folder, then run the following cmdlet:


After the execution of the script is finished, open to login.

Rebuild the search indexes and the Link database

To rebuild all the indexes: Open Sitecore launchpad, go to control panel and click indexing manager. Select all indexes and Rebuild.

To rebuild the Link databases: Open Sitecore launchpad, go to control panel and click Rebuild Link Databases. Select Master and Core and click Rebuild.

Happy coding!